Why Should I Get A Life Casting Done?

A life cast is an exact portrait of a live human being. The three dimensional representation could be of the face, hands, feet, torso or even full body - but the sense of realism is always quite breathtaking! In fact, every wrinkle, dimple, fold, mole, pore and even fingerprint is clearly defined in the life cast, making it an exceptionally unique sculpture.

If you are still wondering why you should be getting a life cast made, consider the following possibilities:
  • Life casting is all about celebrating yourself – be it a chiseled body, recent weight loss or just as you always are. The life cast will capture your unique shape, form and expression and transform it into a work of art!
  • You can choose to immortalize your radiant love for each other in the form of intertwined hands. This is especially favored for celebrating an engagement, marriage or anniversary.
  • Life casting is often used to document a baby’s birth with a cast of their tiny hands or feet. You can even record the newborn’s growth with castings at regular intervals.
  • Expectant mothers love to preserve the memory of their pregnancy with a belly cast.
  • Similarly, a life cast can be used to commemorate any special occasion such as holding an award, cup or glove in the hand, a dancing pose or even a circle of hands with friends.
  • Life casting is possible with animals too. What can be sweeter than having a cast of your pet’s paw?

There’s no need to worry either, as skin safe alginates – available at Artmolds.com - make the body molding process harmless and fun!


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